Death in Gaza

Death in Gaza is a 2004 documentary film about the IsraeliPalestinian conflict, opening in the West Bank but then moving to Gaza and eventually settling in Rafah where the film spends most of its time. It concentrates onchildren, Ahmed age 12, Mohammed ageand Najla age 16.

For a short while the film concentrates on martyrdom and the opinions of the people there about dying for Palestine and Islam. It briefly tells the story of a young boy who was shot while attacking Israeli forces much like the main boys Ahmed and Mohammed, as well as numerous other unnamed boys. The film follows the boy from being brought into the medical center and the initial treatment, to his death and public reaction, to the parade and his burial, and celebration at his success in becoming a martyr.While filming, producerdirector James Miller was killed by an Israeli soldier. His death was incorporated as a major part of the film, with an explanation by the narrator, Saira Shah, at the beginning of the film, and the full story and reactions at the end. It is mentioned that Palestinian people made posters declaring that Miller was a martyr against the film crews wishes. ........

Source: Wikipedia